The valley runs from west to east behind the housing estate on the south side of Tipton Road below High Arcal Drive. In 1900 the fields were dominated by High Arcal Farm. The buildings of the Fellows run farm were demolished in about 1960 to be replaced by the then named High Arcal Grammar School. Subsequently a significant amount of land was taken for housing although the Swan brook still meanders through a picturesque scene before it drains into Parkes Hall Pool.
The valley is part of a proposed open space management plan spearheaded by the Turls Hill & Swanbrook Valley Residents Association. Already the group has been instrumental in preventing an encroachment into this zone.
The top photograph is a view looking westwards up the valley with the brook running down through the trees. The middle picture shows the stream leaving a culvert to enter the Pool. Finally the tranquil setting of the old reservoir - a haven for wildlife and fishermen! [The valley and pool were photographed in July 2003]