Old Stourbridge/Sedgley Secrets
The next meeting of the Society takes place on Thursday 14th November at 7:30 pm in St.
Andrew’s Church, Bilston Street, Sedgley.
The speaker is David Hickman, Stourbridge’s retired chief librarian and well-known local historian.
His illustrated talk celebrates a proud town always linked with glass making, regularly mentioned for its schools and in history circles for locomotive manufacture. Stourbridge is difficult to pigeon-hole. Tonight offers a chance to find whether it was ever typical ‘middle England’.
As usual visitors are invited to come along – admission £1. Annual membership of the Society costs £5 and gives free access to the programme of talks.
Unfortunately David Hickman was indisposed. Instead George Blackham’s Sedgley Secrets slide show introduced some lesser known facts and trivia about well known buildings and landmarks.