The Life and Times of Alfred Hickman – Ironmaster
The next meeting of the Society takes place on Thursday 8th May at 7:30 pm in St. Andrew’s Church, Bilston Street, Sedgley.
The very short Annual General Meeting is followed by a talk – The Life and Times of Alfred Hickman – Ironmaster.
The speaker is Chris Smith, local history author and editor of the community magazine Village Voice. He is on the trail of Alfred Hickman a Black Country industrialist, Wolverhampton MP, land owner and philanthropist.
In 1866 Alfred acquired the Springvale furnaces in Ettingshall which he redeveloped and extended into a large steelworks. He embraced the latest methods to make iron and steel, and by the end of the century Alfred Hickman Ltd was a major player in the industry.
As usual visitors are invited to come along. Individual talks cost £1.
2014 Spring Teaser

This structure, with a roof the size of West Bromwich Albion’s
football pitch, is nearly ninety years old. Discover its purpose and
The Shavers End [Number Two] reservoir was built at a cost of £41,000 on the west side of Limepit Lane and came into service in 1928. Constructed in concrete and steel, it holds around seven million gallons and the top water level is 743 feet above sea level. At least two windmills have stood in Shaver’s End.