The Last Days of Steelmaking at Round Oak
The next meeting of the Society takes place on Thursday 10th March 2011 at 7:30 pm in St. Andrew’s Church, Bilston Street, Sedgley. The speaker is Keith Hodgkins vice-chairman of Tipton Civic Society and passionate Black Country heritage campaigner.Before the Round Oak Steelworks in Brierley Hill closed on December 23rd 1982 Keith photographed the plant – a record of heavy industrial operations and a tribute to all the people who worked there during 125 years of iron and steel production.
His slide show will have wide appeal and anyone with family connections will find the evening most rewarding.
As usual visitors are invited to come along. Individual talks cost £1.
2010 Winter Teaser

Tranquil scenes
(above and below) – we posed the question: natural or man-made
and where in the manor
can the view be found?
The answer is in Lower Gornal's Milking Bank Park; the open space on the large 1980s Milking Bank housing estate. The old field name echoes rolling pastures of days gone by. Surprisingly the estate was built, not on open green fields, but reshaped land after fireclay and coal were gouged out in the C19th & C20th.

Happy Birthday Census 2011
Every 10 years since 1801 a national census has been planned. Twenty-one have taken place - just one missed - the 1941 due to the Second World War.
Each household will receive this year's 32 page questionnaire by post. Census day is Sunday 27th March and returns can be made by post or an on-line version is available.
No doubt family historians will retain a copy. It's a good idea for everyone especially as it is rumoured to be the last one in this form.
For more information and historical references to 200 years of data collection visit 2011 Census.