Spring Teaser Result

This spring we said "Here is another chance to walk the Manor’s ‘rural’ paths much changed over the last 100 years. Name the location and past history of this part of one of the nine villages."
The answer was easy for Lower Gornal walkers familiar with the paths of the Dibdale Road Open Space on the north side of the road - a fine example of land reclamation. The area was extensively mined for coal and fireclay well into the C20th.
Surname Surprises
The Manor has some long established surnames - Jevon or Jeven, Homer, Pers[e]house, Underhill, Whitehouse, Nayler, Gibbons, Hickman, Fereday, Parkes - the list is endless, the spellings various.
Any family history researcher sooner or later asks the question - "Does my family name have a meaning and where did it originate?"
Just for fun visit Spatial-literacy.org a university research project showing the geographical distribution of surnames in 1881 and 1998. Simply enter your name in the ‘Surname Profiler’ and maps and tables show national hot spots, top towns and name origins. More data is promised so bookmark this website.