2021 – Spring Teaser Answer
The landscape of Sedgley Manor has changed dramatically over the centuries – sometimes naturally, more often by human intervention. This view looks quite natural, but is it?
We asked if you could name the location.
The Donkey Pool is hidden from view on the west side of the Birmingham New Road (A4123) between the A457 and A4168 junctions. The pool possibly marks the site of an old Victorian clay pit in an area riddled by coal mining. It is now popular with anglers.
Donkeys were often used to haul tubs of clay on narrow gauge railways, and were preferred to horses, which were usually used to move coal.

Spring update – Talks still postponed
The continued disruption to everyday life caused by Covid-19 has impacted on all social activities and groups.
Society meetings are on hold until further notice. A recommencement date is impossible to forecast.
Until then take care and stay safe.