Summer Teaser

The question was: "The Manor's buildings have become extremely well known through Trevor Genge's five books. However, this 2005 photograph might cause some head scratching. Where is it? The Victorian building has an interesting past. Can you help the Society with dates & uses?"
Our regular eagle eye, George Cox, was the only person to identify the old Victorian National School in Temple Street, Lower Gornal. Today it is the headquarters of 2nd Lower Gornal (St. James) Scout Group. In the early part of the C20th, as Church House, it housed local curates.
Dud Dudley - His Life and Times
The next meeting of the Society takes place on Thursday 10th November at 7:30 pm in St. Andrew’s Church, Bilston Street, Sedgley.
The speaker is John Hemingway the Archaeological Officer of Dudley Metropolitan Borough. He is on the trail of Woodsetton’s iron smelting pioneer, the illegitimate son of Lord Dudley - Dud Dudley.
Dud was using coal instead of charcoal to smelt iron ore in the C17th, at least fifty years before the first Abraham Darby claimed the credit around 1709. Even more surprising Abraham was also born in Woodsetton!
Dud’s colourful life spans the turbulent times of Charles I, Oliver Cromwell and Charles II and his exploits have never received the national recognition they deserve.
As usual visitors are invited to come along - admission £1. Full membership of the Society costs £4 and gives free access to the programme of talks.